Key Concepts Film Poster Analysis

The title in this movie poster is Black Panther its it in big text so the audience can see it and know that this movie is named Black Panther. The title is in blue and yellow the connotation of the colour blue can show that its calm and blue is an eye catching colour yellow can mean calm and smooth and it a vibrant colour. 
You can see a city which might indicate that the people onto of the city rule it.
The people on top of the city most probably indicate that they rule the city and are royal.
The gold may show that they are wealthy and they have blades so they are warriors. 

Black panther is made by marvel studios and had made 646.8 million internationally.


  1. A good start, Rishi, well done :)
    You have tried to use the media terms such as connotation of colours which we did in the lesson so that's a good beginning to media analysis. You do need to add more as you have only done media language and a bit of industry. Look at my examples here for the level of detail I wanted:


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