Marcus Rashford - Audience and Industry

 1) Who are the potential target audiences for Marcus Rashford's online content? Try and cover both demographics and psychographics.

Psychographics interested in Marcus Rashford are people who like football books and fashion.
Marcus Rashford also targets teenagers who are in a bad state this is because Marcus Rashford wants to help/change them.            

2) How are audiences encouraged to participate in or feel part of Rashford's brand or campaigns?

The audience feels connected with Marcus Rashford campaign this is because he links his charity all over his website and has a volunteer button so anyone could help his charity  

3) What is Marcus Rashford's Instagram engagement rate and what does this tell us? 

This tells us that Marcus Rashford is well-know across the UK this is because his engagement rate is 6.0% also he links his email on his bio so that he can be assailable towards his own audience 

4) What audience pleasures are provided by Marcus Rashford's online presence? Try and apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory here.

provides us with sport news and football games 

Personal Relationship 
Marcus Rashford has his email on his bio so people can message him whenever they want and also he has 6% engagement so he constantly has an engagement with his audience 

Personal identity
Marcus Rashford raised himself to success from a working class background he is a positive role model 

Charity info,politics 

a) Giving the companies something positive from their association with Marcus Rashford?
Marcus Rashford is a positive role model so people look up to him and want to be like him 

b) Engaging emotionally with the audience?

c) Helping Marcus Rashford to build his OWN brand?


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