Class: Industry and Audience blog tasks

1) What was the point of BBC3 when it was launched? You can find the answer in the notes above

It was launched in 2003 and the point of BBC3 was to provide innovative and gain an young audience.

2) Why did BBC3 go online-only in February 2016? (consider how young people consume media and give a statistic from the notes to prove your answer)

BBC3 went online because recognised that younger people may watch TV at different times on different devices.

3) How does Class meet the BBC's mission statement to 'inform, educate and entertain'? Use your own words and try to say how it is entertaining (with at least two examples from the episode) and how it is educational / informative (give at least two examples from the episode)

Class entertain people by having fight scenes for example violence and gore class also informs and educates people that being gay and different is oka

4) Why did Class not do very well with audiences? Give three reasons in your own words. 

Class didn't do well because it had poor time scheduling another reason is it wasn't clear to the audience it was confusing towards the audience another reason is was 15+ it might have turned people away.

5) Why do you think the fact that it was a Spin-off show from Doctor Who was not successful?

I think it was unsuccessful spin off show from doctor because doctor who was complicated and made for an older audience.

1) What audience demographic groups might particularly enjoy Class? You can revise demographics by thinking about set characteristics: CAGE (class / age / gender / race). You can also add sexuality and disability here too. Go through each aspect 

The class who might enjoy the tv show class might be working class because they can relate to the students in the tv show.
The age who might watch class might be age 13-30.
The gender who might like this might be men and women.
The race who might enjoy class might be all races because it has an variety of different culture.  

2) What audience psychographic groups might particularly enjoy Class? You can revise groups of Pyschographics here but it is characteristics / hobbies / interests / values and beliefs e.g. someone who was liberal (more free in their thinking) and open-minded about sexuality might enjoy Class because it shows a variety of different relationships. 

The psychographic groups which might enjoy class are people who have an interest in monsters and astrology because it shows a variety of different creatures.
3) What audience pleasures are offered by Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

Personal Identity: some people might relate to the people in class for example ram is a sporty person but struggles in class
Personal Relationships: people started to care for April because she had a bad childhood with her dad and her mum is in wheelchair  
Diversion (Escapism): This help people to escape life because this is a weird show which you wouldn't see that often because aliens aren't that popular in the world and some people may be fascinated by this show 
Surveillance (Information / Facts): Class gives us information about some people that you don't know what's going on in everyone's life this is because there are different story lines going on at the same time in class  
4) How did fans in the 'Whoniverse' (also known as 'Whovians') react to Class? Watch the fan reaction video (and read the YouTube comments) embedded here and then use in your answer in your own words. 

The fan from Whoniverse reacted to class was confusing and complicated they don't like Charlie that much because of the way he treated people.
Miss quill storyline is interesting 
They like the new format of jumping to people and having multiple storylines  

5) Extension - read this article and answer the question: Why is BBC bringing back BBC3 as a channel next year?

BBC3 is coming back as a channel this is because it will help them gain a younger audience and grow as a channel


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